Refund Policy:

Advertising Fees:

Payments received for advertising online are non refundable once payment has been received, even if the property is not let or sold within the duration of the advert that has been purchased. A refund may be granted at the discretion of the management. Please contact us to discuss your circumstances.

Tenant Application Fee:

Tenant application fees which are submitted with the application form are fully refundable up until the point of instructing reference and credit checks, once instructed the full application fee will become non-refundable. However, a refund may be granted at the discretion of the management. Please contact us to discuss your circumstances.

Payment of Rents Due:

Tenants paying rent will only be refunded if the rent is found not to be due. Refunds will be made back to the card from which they were paid and will be paid within 3 days of funds being requested for refund.

Payments of Deposits Due:

Tenants paying deposits will be refunded in full if the lease does not proceed. Refunds will be made within 3 days of the lease not proceeding.

Payments for Repairs within Properties:

Landlords or Tenant who pay us to carry out repairs within their properties will only be refunded if the works or repairs are not carried out. Refunds will be made within 3 days of the funds being requested,

In All Cases:

Refunds can only be made to the card that was used to purchase the goods and/or services.

All refunds will be made within 7 days of request.